Session 2 prep - 90 Day Body Transformation with J. Lopez

I woke up hungry af! I went straight to my first two meals immediately! Thank God the meal was already prepped because I really needed to GO IN. The 5 meals a day is no longer intimidating at this point because my body is hungry and it gets really satisfied on these meals....I feel calm and very Zen after meal 2 this morning!

I have more energy than I have had in the last couple months. I feel a little re energized, even though I'm only in my third day of this training.....maybe that's because spring time is just around the corner as well. Either way, transformation energy is definitely starting to show.
I'm glad this week that I'm able to focus on other areas of my body because I intend to improve my overall physique. 
There are definitely other areas that might be neglected just simply from not having a training plan. I like the way My *entire body* feels when I work out. Some of these excersies and their combination/sequence in the plan is new to my body, so it will feel exhilarating to work on those for the first time and engage them. 
Even though I mistakingly trained the same muscles last night as Day 1, I increased the intensity by adding more weights around the 4th set. On the squats and the leg press it was slow and steady as advised.
Today, my excersies target my upper body, so I will be working to find where I can challenge myself with how much resistance I can handle! 
Like for example pull ups are on here, 🤠. But they are assisted pullups so for a challenge I will try my wide overhand grip this time, instead of my underhand grip that uses more of my arm muscles. Pull ups used to be so hard for me to do and I have come to love doing them after I did a lot of shoulder press work. As far as assisted goals today are concerned, I'm going for 60% of my bodyweight on the wide grip. I am wondering if I could also try a set of 5 reps without assistance. You never know when you might have to wide grip your way up out of something.
Something just feels *way too good* about the lat pulldowns!!!! I can target either my chest or my back with the lat pull down. Today I'm assuming we're going for chest work....I could use some strength there! So I will be trying to keep the bar with an overhand close grip and elbows close to my body to pump my chest.
The last time I worked on my upper body was  Iamsexyfit dance studio on Saturday 2/11, during a conditioning class that focused on static movements. It involved a lot of climbing and holding and by the end of it all, my back was pretty fired up. So a chest and back workout today would be perfect because I have not hit that area since Saturday and today is now Wednesday. I know I will be stronger in that class after this session!
I know for sure I will have to finish the night off with a soak and a stretch because I want to be able to lift my arms the next day!!!